Signs of Design
Was the Universe Designed with YOU in Mind?
Yes! As the famous physicist, Lord Kelvin, said, “overpoweringly strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design lie all round us; and if ever perplexities, whether metaphysical or scientific, turn us away from them for a time, they come back upon us with irresistible force, showing to us through Nature the influence of a free will, and teaching us that all living beings depend on one ever-acting Creator and Ruler.” (See for yourself!)
And Kelvin was not alone either, MOST of the biggest names in science throughout history have believed that the natural world is the divine creation of a Supernatural Creator. But don’t just take my word for it, take a close look for yourself at the powerful empirical evidence!
The Evidence from Cosmology
Cos·mol·o·gy: the branch of astronomy that deals with the origin, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe. From the Greek word kosmos (κόσμος) meaning “an orderly harmonious systematic universe.”
The Cosmological Argument is one of the oldest and most well-established proofs for God. It states:
Everything that begins to exist must have a cause.
The Universe had a beginning.
Therefore, the universe had a Cause.
The first premise goes without saying as it’s an obvious law of nature. Ex nihilo nihil fit is the old Latin phrase that means "nothing comes from nothing." It's a principle of rational philosophy that's also known as the Law of Causation.
The second premise had been debated amongst philosophers for thousands of years, but much less so for the last century since the Big Bang became the standard model in cosmology. The Big Bang Theory proposes that all matter, energy, space, and time began with a cosmic singularity that suddenly appeared and rapidly expanded in an explosion about 14 billion years ago. This theory is supported by three main pieces of evidence: First, Edwin Hubble's discovery that galaxies are moving away from us (and each other) at speeds proportional to their distance, indicating an expanding universe that began from a single point. Second, the detection of cosmic microwave background radiation - a faint afterglow from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang that matches exactly what we would expect to see from the early universe cooling down. Third, the observed abundance of light elements like hydrogen and helium in the universe matches precisely with theoretical predictions about how these elements would have been created in the extreme conditions of the Big Bang
The conclusion follows logically from the premises and implies a Cause that is immaterial, spaceless, timeless, and all-powerful. Sounds like a supernatural God to me! This conclusion is scary for many atheistic scientists and this is why this theory was initially rejected until the evidence became overwhelming. In fact, the term “Big Bang” was first used in a derogatory fashion to describe the cosmic expansion event!
More Evidence for a Supernatural Beginning of the Universe
The Evidence from Teleology
Tel·e·ol·o·gy: the idea that nature has been shaped by a divine purpose and is being directed toward that end. From the Greek word telos (τέλος) meaning “end, aim, or goal” and seeks to give an explanation for the Universe as a function of its end, purpose, goal, as opposed to its cause.
The Teleological Argument is another of the very oldest and most obvious evidences for the existence of a Creator. It states:
The Universe exhibits an extremely high degree of order, complexity, and purpose, like a designed artifact.
Designed objects only come from intelligent designers.
Therefore, it is likely that the universe was designed by an intelligent Creator.
The first premise is supported by the fact that modern science has discovered 26 fundamental physical constants and well over 200 conditions that appear to be perfectly and extremely finely-tuned for the existence of complex life on Earth. As astronomer, Hugh Ross, said,
“If on all size scales, from the largest cosmic structures to the tiniest, one sees multiple characteristics that must fit within very limited fine-tuned ranges, then it becomes unreasonable for any rational person to deny that a personal, intelligent, intentional, purposeful Fine-Tuner exists. The argument for such a Fine-Tuner becomes all the more compelling if one can demonstrate that—at all cosmic size scales—the more we discover and learn, the stronger the evidence becomes for the existence and operation of this Fine-Tuner.” (See for yourself!)
It’s like there are hundreds of little dials and each one has to be set exactly right to their own very specific value to an extraordinary incredibly high degree, or there’s not so much as a single bacterial cell anywhere, let alone you or me!
The second premise says, designed objects only come from intelligent designers. This also goes without saying. If we are to live consistently, we must admit that no one in their right mind would ever doubt this assumption in everyday life. We need to apply the same reasoning to the apparent fine-tuning of the Earth and its place in the Universe as we would to forensic science, anthropology, or the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). If you see such a high degree of specified complexity aimed at a particular end, such a monumentally important purpose as the existence of intelligent complex life, then the best explanation is that it came from an Intelligent Designer.
The conclusion follows logically from the premises and implies an Architect of the Universe who is Intelligent and Powerful far beyond comprehension. I mean really, what are the chances that nature alone could just accidentally get this done? It’s like a trillion, trillion, trillion to one! Who would wager their soul? Who would bet against those odds? It’s obvious, the heavens declare the glory of God! This is the work of a Creator and it’s clearly displayed! Please tell me you see it, we are fearfully and wonderfully made!
More Evidence That Our Galaxy, Solar System, and Planet Have Been Finely-Tuned for Human Life
Many More Evidences for How the Universe Was Designed with You In Mind
The Evidence from Biology
Bi·ol·o·gy: The study of living organisms and vital processes. Where did organic life first begin? and how? This is still a big mystery in science. There are a couple mainstream theories, but none that actually explain how life could have arisen from non-life.
If you think about it, there are really only 3 options:
Option 1 - Necessity: Does the object happen by natural law/necessity?
Option 2 - Chance: Can the object be explained by random chance?
Option 3 - Design: If it can’t be explained by necessity or chance, then design is the best explanation.
As everyone learns in middle school life science class, spontaneous generation - the idea that living organisms could arise spontaneously from non-living matter - was definitively disproven through a series of experiments in the 1800s, with the most famous being Louis Pasteur's 1859 experiment. Pasteur's work conclusively demonstrated that "life comes from life" (biogenesis) and his experiments were considered the final nail in the coffin for spontaneous generation theory. There have been many, many attempts to scientifically recreate the early conditions on Earth in hopes of seeing life just pop into existence from primordial soup (abiogenesis), but not even once has it ever been observed!
So why do atheistic biologists propose that complex life forms arose from non-life?
Let’s be logically consistent in our scientific reasoning, and apply the same reasoning to the origin of life as we would to the origin of any other object we encounter that has been built with a high degree of specified complexity and which can store and transmit information!
Just look at the human body, this marvelous, machine made in the Maker’s image!
This walking talking universe of tissues, organs, and systems,
30 trillion tiny cells working together in perfect rhythm.
Each one of them as complex as an Amazon warehouse inside, proficiently processing orders from 6.4 billion nucleotides.
You know, it’s so Absolutely amazing how well our DNA stores data, light years beyond any tech anyone’s ever seen!
Seriously! You could put all the information for the entire world in just one teaspoon of genes!
And they say life just suddenly popped into existence by natural means? Please!
You are NOT an accident!
Do you know the odds of spontaneously generating just one gene, in just one chromosome? (Let alone the 25,000 in the human genome.)
It’s less than a billion, billion, billion, billion to one!
That’s not just improbable, it’s physically impossible!
Look, no matter how much time you add to the equation, this most complicated contraption in all of creation could never come about from mere blind chance and random mutation!
Why? Because think about it, specified complexity is always designed, and information only ever comes from a mind.
I’m telling you, if you look very carefully and really pay close attention, you’ll see life is most certainly the product of Divine intervention!
More evidence from Irreducibly Complex Structures
Let’s Be Reasonable!
Having considered all the evidence, all the wonders of nature with hundreds of independent variables, fundamental constants, and other factors that have to be so very finely-tuned in order to have living things as complex as you and I, who not only exist, but also observe and make conclusions about existence, what is the most reasonaable explanation? Is it all nothing more than a lucky accident against impossible odds? Or was it all designed with YOU in mind?
Look at what the Father of Modern Chemistry, Robert Boyle, had to say about the matter:
“The consideration of the vastness, beauty, and regular motions of the heavenly bodies, the excellent structure of animals and plants, besides a multitude of other phenomena of nature, and the subserviency of most of these to Man, may justly induce him, as a rational creature to conclude that this vast, beautiful, orderly and in many ways admirable System of things that we call the World, was framed by an Author supremely powerful, wise, and good, can scarce be denied by an intelligent and unprejudiced considerer. And this is strongly confirmed by experience, which witnesses that in almost all ages and countries, the generalities of philosophers and contemplative men were persuaded of the existence of a Deity by the consideration of the phenomena of the Universe, whose fabric and conduct they rationally concluded could not be deservedly ascribed, either to blind chance, or to any other cause than a Divine Being.” (See for yourself!)
Poetic Apologetics
These powerful presentations of reasons in rhyme are sure to strengthen your faith in tough times!