About Us
Meaningful Science is a non-profit ministry started in 2005 to help people of all ages understand the proper relationship between science and the Christian faith using videos, social media, as well as dynamic presentations and science shows in churches, camps, and schools. My hope is this ministry will help many to strengthen their faith by looking at the history and philosophy of science from a Christian perspective, and by examining the evidence for the Creator from His creation.
For the last thirteen years, I’ve been privileged to practice family medicine as a Physician Assistant, or as I prefer to call it, Assistant to the Great Physician. Before going into medicine, I enjoyed teaching science for several years to middle school and high school students in both urban Chicago and Detroit. As I studied science in college courses for over 10 years earning three degrees, and reviewed curriculum for my own teaching materials, I couldn’t help but notice there’s an incredible wealth of scientific evidence for the Creator that is largely ignored and ridiculed in the public sector because it is viewed through an Atheistic lens. We are taught a lie that science equals materialism, naturalism, and atheism. But this is just not true!
If people could hear about the true history of science and its foundation in the Christian worldview, if they could read samples of the original writings of the giants of science who discovered the very laws and concepts they learn about in school, they’d quickly see that most of the founders of every major branch of science were motivated by the desire to do science not only to benefit mankind, but for the glory of God! Not only this, but if you take even a cursory look at the philosophy of science and consider the philosophical assumptions about reality we need to make before we can even begin to do science, you see it’s no accident that modern science was born out of a culture saturated with the Christian worldview and not any other. Science is meaningless without God at the foundation!
The materials on this site are all based on the lessons I developed and used in my own classroom. They have been tested with hundreds of students over the years, and they work! It is my prayer that God would use these materials in such a way that the next generation of doctors, researchers, engineers, and scientists would be women and men doing science built upon the only sure foundation, Jesus Christ. May they do science that means something for time and eternity. May they do Meaningful Science!
-Wes Hardin, PA-C