What Makes Science
For science to be meaningful it has to be built upon the right foundation.
You need motivation to do science, and moral direction for applying technology to the real world. You also need to make several basic assumptions about nature and yourself before you can even start to use the scientific method. Science can’t provide any of these underpinnings for itself, for it is built on top of them. They have to come from outside of science, from philosophy and religion. There’s good reason to believe it was no accident that modern science was born in a culture saturated with the Christian Worldview as it seems to provide a better philosophical foundation for science than any other religious worldview, especially Atheism. One could even go so far as to say science without God is meaningless!
Science comes from the Latin scientia, meaning “to know.” Why believe that we can perceive and understand the order in nature, that we can “know” anything about nature at all? Why do we believe we can transcend nature enough to observe and manipulate it in experiments? For the atheist, man is nothing more than a mere mechanical part of the great cosmic machine. Every thought and every action is just as determined by the laws of physics and the great chain of cause and effect as the products of the digestive system. But you must ask, if the human brain is nothing but three pounds of chemicals that arranged themselves by chance over billions of years, if absolutely everything in the universe can be ultimately explained in terms of inanimate matter in mindless motion, then how can we trust the very thoughts we are thinking and any conclusions we come to? Why believe that what we observe and what we believe have anything to do with the Truth about reality? Not only this, but the concept of true freedom of the will, the abilty to think freely has no foundation in Atheism, and therefore must be accepted on blind faith.
As the famous biologist, J.B.S. Haldane, put it:
“For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms. In order to escape from this necessity of sawing away the branch on which I am sitting, so to speak, I am compelled to believe that mind is not wholly conditioned by matter.”
(See for yourself!)
On the other hand, in the Christian worldview, humanity was created in the image of God with the built-in ability to reason, and as a result, we can expect to discover Truth about nature when we do science. Similar arguments could be made for several other basic assumptions necessary for doing meaningful science, such as:
Our senses are reliable to accurately observe nature.
We have free will to choose which sensations and thoughts to pay attention to and which to ignore in an experiment.
Nature is real; it's not just an illusion.
Nature is orderly, so orderly that we can describe it using simple, elegant, mathematical formulas.
The order we observe here and now can be applied to other times and places.
We can't simply predict how nature is ordered, we must go out and see for ourselves.
Should we choose Atheism which requires blind faith in each of the individual assumptions above as true even though they are each unique, unrelated, and totally independent of one another? Or should we choose the Christian worldview which makes one Assumption that can explain all of the others in a way that makes them each fit perfectly and beautifully into one and the same Story?
In this sense, the time-honored maxim of science, “Ockham’s Razor,” supports the Christian worldview better than Atheistic Humanism. As Ockham's Razor says, All things being equal empirically, the simpler explanation is the better explanation.
The 3 Motivations for Science
To Satisfy Curiosity
Science comes from the Latin scientia which means "to know." Scientists strive to contrive carefully controlled experiments to arrive at conclusions that give as much certainty as statistically possible. Without curiosity, science would stop in its tracks. As Einstein famously said, "He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead, his eyes are closed."
To Develop Technology
In the beginning, God told Adam to name the things he saw in the creation and to subdue the Earth. Ever since then, we've been using what we learn about how nature works to get nature to work for us, to develop useful tools and toys to gain control over creation for the benefit of mankind. However, technology is morally neutral and science can't tell us how to use the technology made by science.
To Glorify God
"For the benefit of mankind and the glory of God." This was a mantra repeated by many of the great founders of modern science. As Johannes Kepler wrote, “I was merely thinking God’s thoughts after Him. Since we astronomers are priests of the highest God in regard to the book of nature, it benefits us to be thoughtful, not of the glory of our minds, but rather, above all else, of the glory of God.”
Every scientist knows well that without strong motivations for studying nature, the hard work of research would never get done. Throughout history there have been three major motivations for doing science: 1. To satisfy curiosity, 2. To develop technology, and 3. To bring glory to the Creator.
Tell me, which serves as a better inspiration for wonder and curiosity, Atheism or Christianity? In Atheism, one day in the relatively near future, all the knowledge and technology that we work so hard for will be lost and forgotten forever. On the other hand, in Christianity what we do here and now can affect souls who will go on to live forever. What we discover and come to understand about the creation helps us appreciate the genius and wisdom of the Creator, leading to awesome wonder and worship of God, which has eternal value!
Which serves as a better motivator for developing technology for the benefit of mankind, Atheism or Christianity? Read any science fiction novel written by famous atheists such as H.G. Wells or Aldous Huxley and get a glimpse of the dark, dystopian future that awaits us all if technology advances without God at the helm!
Moral Guidance for Science
Which serves as a better moral foundation for guiding scientific research and for using technology for the benefit of humanity? Atheism or Christianity? Like Dostoyevsky famously stated, “without God, all things are permitted.” Whose to say whether one ought to use understanding of nuclear physics create technology to power hospitals and schools or else to destroy them with nuclear bombs? one day in the relatively near future, all the knowledge and technology that we work so hard for will be lost and forgotten forever. In Christianity, what we do here and now can affect people who will go on to live forever. Our understanding and use of the creation can draw us nearer to the One and Only Creator of the Universe, which will pay off eternally.