Signs of Design
In this presentation, Wes shares the truly awesome scientific evidence for the existence of God. From the extreme fine-tuning of the Cosmos to the ingenious, specified complexity of the tiniest building blocks of life, there’s no doubt about it, the Universe was designed with YOU in mind!
Poetic Apologetics
Looking for a reason for hope within? Where do you begin? These powerful presentations of reasons in rhyme are sure to strengthen your faith in tough times! Passionate, lyrical, and set to music, these are sure to stir the spirit and a great addition to your time of worship.
Under Pressure
In this presentation, Wes uses fun and exciting science demonstrations involving air pressure to teach kids an important lesson about faith; just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it’s not there! Can you see the air? No, but you know it’s there because you can feel it, hear it, and see how it changes things around you. And so it is with God!
Real Science. Real Faith.
In this presentation, Wes teaches about the fascinating history of modern science from a Christian perspective, showing just how many giants of science were people with a passion for “thinking God's thoughts after Him.” You’ll hear beautiful passages from the original writings of Newton, Galileo, Kepler, and more which prove science does NOT lead to atheism. In fact, we CAN do REAL science with REAL faith!