Real Science. Real Faith.
Can Real Scientists
Have Real Faith?
Yes! Just consider these giants of science! Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Joule, Kelvin, Faraday, Mendel, Maxwell, and many other famous scientists were people with a passion for “thinking God's thoughts after Him.” If you read their writings, you will find scientists seeking not only to benefit humanity, but also to bring glory to the Creator! They were highly motivated to study God’s works in nature because of what they studied in God’s Word.
Was the Universe Designed
with YOU in Mind?
Many if not most of the biggest names in science have believed that nature is the creation of an All-Powerful Creator. As the inventor of the Kelvin temperature scale once said, "Overwhelmingly strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design lie around us... teaching us that all living beings depend on one ever-acting Creator and Ruler." Take a look for yourself at the amazing evidence for God from astronomy, biology, and information science!
What Makes Science
For science to be meaningful it has to be built upon the right philosophical foundation. You need to assume several things about reality and about yourself before you can even think about using the scientific method. You also need motivation to do science, and moral direction for applying technology to the real world. It’s no accident that modern science was born out of a culture literally saturated in the Christian worldview as it provides the necessary presuppositions, motivations, and morality for science better than any other!
Poetic Apologetics
Looking for a reason for hope within? Where do you begin? These powerful presentations of reasons in rhyme are sure to strengthen your faith in tough times!
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